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  • 迷ったらコレ!石垣島スタンダード1日プラン

    A day Child is OK One person is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK The day on the tour is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK SUP Snorkeling Canoe(Sea Kayak) Relaxed クマノミ Kabira Bay The Blue Cave Popularity



    15,80013,500 yen per person (including tax)
  • 選べるマングローブSUPorカヌー&青の洞窟シュノーケリングよくばりプラン

    A day Child is OK One person is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK The day on the tour is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK Snorkeling River SUP Canoe (River Kayak) Mangrove クマノミ The Blue Cave Miyaragawa River Popularity



    ¥15,800¥13,500yen per person (including tax)
  • 名勝「川平湾」散策&青の洞窟シュノーケリング

    PM AM Child is OK One person is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK The day on the tour is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK Snorkeling Sightseeing クマノミ Kabira Bay The Blue Cave



    ¥8,900¥7,900/人 (including tax)
  • It's a half-day snorkeling tour overlooking the hotspot "Blue Cave"

    PM AM Child is OK One person is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK The day on the tour is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK Snorkeling クマノミ The Blue Cave Popularity

    ✨A recommended snorkeling plan✨

    A half-day snorkeling tour at Ishigaki Island's popular snorkeling spot "Blue Cave"!

    About 2 hours【12%OFF!】
    7,9006,900yen per person (including tax)
  • 川平湾グラスボート体験&青の洞窟シュノーケリング

    PM AM Child is OK One person is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK The day on the tour is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK Snorkeling Sightseeing Sea turtles The Glass Boat Kabira Bay The Blue Cave




    ¥13,800¥9,800/人 (including tax)
  • 石垣島のド定番!「幻の島」浜島シュノーケリング

    PM AM Child is OK One person is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK The day on the tour is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK Snorkeling Sea turtles クマノミ Phantom Island Popularity



    ¥8,900¥7,900/人 (including tax)
  • 観光もアクティビティも!幻の島シュノーケリング&竹富島観光

    A day Child is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK Snorkeling Sightseeing Sea turtles Relaxed The sea Phantom Island Taketomi Island Popularity



    ¥13,800¥9,800/人 (including tax)
  • 石垣島の2つの魅力!選べるマングローブSUPorカヌー&幻の島シュノーケリング

    A day Child is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK Snorkeling Sea Activity River Activity River SUP Canoe (River Kayak) Sea turtles Mangrove Relaxed The sea Rivers Phantom Island Miyaragawa River Popularity


    石垣島の超人気スポット「幻の島」上陸・シュノーケリングにマングローブでのSUP or カヌー!海と川を両方楽しもう!

    ¥21,700¥15,000/人 (including tax)
  • 幻の島と青の洞窟を制覇!石垣島パーフェクトシュノーケリングパック

    A day Child is OK One person is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK Snorkeling Sea turtles Relaxed The sea Kabira Bay Phantom Island Popularity



    ¥21,700¥15,000/人 (including tax)
  • 人気No.1!「川平湾×幻の島」石垣島プレミアム1日プラン

    A day Child is OK One person is OK Group is OK Beginner is OK Senior is OK The day before the tour is OK SUP Snorkeling Canoe(Sea Kayak) Sea turtles Relaxed The sea Kabira Bay Phantom Island Popularity



    ¥21,700¥15,000/人 (including tax)
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