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Are you still there? Dangerous? Ishigaki Island and Hubs

2020-02-10 08:00

Hello everyone!


All of you.hubHave you ever encountered a


Speaking of hubs, they live in Okinawa.Dangerous snakessaidimpressionYou may have a


Since its main habitat is Okinawawhile travelingto the hubencounterIt may be possible to do so.


This article describes the hub'secologyfrom (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity)How not to encounterWhen you encounter aapproachand more.


What is a hub?




hubis a member of the family Viperidae, the habu genussnake(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusiongeneral termIt is.


Therefore, there are a number of different types of hubs.


In Japanpit viper (esp. the mamushi, Gloydius blomhoffi)It is very famous along withpoisonous serpentIt is.


Total length is100 to 150 cmThe weight is1kg~2kgMany of them are about the same.


individual differenceThere is a tremendous amount ofbigHubs also exist.


Individual size isenvironmentIt is said that the hub is greatly affected by thenatural enemyIn 2011, the entire length of the country was found to grow significantly in areas where there are few250cmWeight3kgThe individuals of thecaptureI've also been


As you can see from the photo, the head has a pointy nose.triangleandserif (on kana or kanji)than other species.smalleyes, and the body color of the abdomen iswhiteish yellowblackreticulated patternIt is characterized by the fact that it has a


While most snakes are timid, the habubelligerentThere are many species that are


If you see a habu, leave the area without provoking it.


Type of Hub 


Habu is the generic name for snakes of the family Cnidaria, the habutypeintroduced that there are several


Domestically, the Hub's associates are.Okinawa onlyand are inhabited by the Hongabu, Himehabu, Saximahabu, and Formosan habu.4 typeshas been confirmed.


below, respectively.type(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionfeatureThe following is an introduction to the


phone hub


<Photographs of the Hong Hub


phone hubis one of the species with the largest population.


Total length is approx.2mexceedlargetype, with a white-yellow background and fine blackreticulated patternis characteristic of this species, and it prefers to eat rodents.


toxicis verystrongTherefore, care must be taken.


Saxima Hub 


<Photographs of Saxima Hub


Saxima Hubis about 1 m in length, which is more than the Hon Habusmall sizeseeds.


The body color is brown with a chain pattern, more so than other species.weak poisonThe company has a


Okinawa pit viper (Ovophis okinavensis) 


<Photographs of the Himehabu


Okinawa pit viper (Ovophis okinavensis)is small at 80 cm in length, buttorsoandfatIt is a seed.


Dark brown and lighter spotted than other species.watersideThey prefer to


Formosan hub 


<Photo of Formosan habu


Formosan hubwas, as the name suggests, native to mainland China and Taiwan.introduced (non-native) speciesIt is.


It is about 1.2 m long and has a black chain pattern on a grayish-brown background.


Although less common than other species, their elongated fangs are highly toxic and extremely dangerous.


Habu Poison 


The hub's "poisonReally.hazardousIt is.


The strength of the poison varies from species to species, but in any case, the venom of the habu is extremely dangerous.


tip of one's fanghas a venom gland, against the target of the bite,venom glandThe poison is injected into the body through


The venom of the habuhemorrhagic poisoningIt is a type of poison calledpit viper (esp. the mamushi, Gloydius blomhoffi)It is a very dangerous poison as well as a


Hemorrhagic venom is an intensely painful poison that destroys cells from the site of injection.


serumis already in place, but if administration is delayed, the bite site may have to be amputated or, worse, death may result.


Food habits of the habu 


The hub iscarnivorousnessand eat rats, frogs, and lizards.


Larger individuals, such as the honu habu, may eat rabbits, birds, cats, and other medium-sized mammals.


Relationship with Mongoose 


Hub andmongooseschool (e.g. of ikebana)natural enemyThere is an image that is often portrayed as


However,nocturnal habits hubs rarely seem to encounter daytime-active mongooses in the first place.


In addition, mongooses refrain from dealing with very ferocious hubs,natural monumentthan the hub, as it seems to devour organisms that areexterminationThey are subject to the


originallymongooseschool (e.g. of ikebana)Chinafrom (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity)hub countermeasuresThey were brought in as a "good" but they are rather causing damage to the ecosystem in the country.


This suggests that the hub'snatural enemyIt is likely that they came to be portrayed as


hub countermeasures 


Know where the habu lives and stay away from it 


The hub isnocturnal habitin bushes, at the base of trees, and in holes in the ground where there is no sunlight because of thelivingI am doing it.


They often hunker down in dark, quiet places.


On Ishigaki Island, there are stone-wall houses unique to Okinawa, and they can be found hiding in the stone walls.


Therefore, stay away from such places.


If you need to go, make sure you don't have a hub.attention (heed)Let's do it.


Also, as I mentioned earlier, the hub is the snake of snakes.belligerentIt is a seed.


territoryThe first time they think they have been entered, they may jump on them.


The spacing is also very wide, so extreme caution is required.


Keep the hubs at bay.


It is important to stay away from the hub in the first place.


The hub isnocturnal habitThe plant does not like bright places because it is a


It is a good idea to install lighting fixtures around your home at night and other times of the day.


The hub is1.5 metersSince it is said that it is impossible to climb over a block wall of more than 1.5 meters, a stone wall around your home and the installation of lighting fixtures will provide sufficient protection against the hub.


If you encounter a hub


Even with adequate hub protection, you can still encounter hubs.


If you are on tour or in the mountains, leave the area as far as possible without provoking it and stay away from it.


On the other hand, if you encounter them in the city center, you can use a long stick.exterminationThe ideal would be to


If you find yourself on a trip, the first thing you should do isGuide.and ... andLocal.You may wish to inform the


Recently,hub knockor some suchHub Extermination Sprayare also sold, so it is highly likely that they are placed in ordinary homes.


Treatment of hub bites


If you are bitten by a hub, you will be upset, but it is important to remain calm anyway.


The venom of the habu is injected directly into the blood through the venom glands in the fangs.


Therefore, if you are upset, your blood will circulate more quickly and poison will be passed around more quickly.


When I calmly removed the snake, it was more than just the bite position.heart-breaking (esp. in physical activity such as running)Use a towel or clothing to tie it tightly at thepressureI will do so.


fingerIt is best to tie with just enough force to get in.


Afterwards,opening (i.e. vacancy)to suck the poison out of the wound.


Habu venom is not absorbed by the mouth, and even if it is swallowed, it is absorbed in the stomach.disassemblyThe problem is not a problem because it will be done.


alcohol with liquor added (esp. wine-based shochu highball, also beer with whiskey)




alcohol with liquor added (esp. wine-based shochu highball, also beer with whiskey)Ha,100 daysFrom the life force of the habu, which can live only on watertonicIt has also been known as


habu (Trimeresurus flavoviridis)way of makingbelow.


How to make habu sake 


The guts and glands are removed, and the blood is drained.alcohol content (usu. expressed per cent)(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionhighMarinate in alcohol.


This is the common habu sakeway of makingIt is.


Many of the Habu liquors sold areMore than 10 yearsMost of them seem to be attached.


Can I make my own hub wine? 


Some of the locals have their owncaptureThe habu that has been done is dipped into the alcohol and thenhomemade habu sakeSome people seem to make thepretreatmentInsufficiently prepared, the product will leave a very fishy odor and will not be drinkable.


Maha (sect of Buddhism)unqualified or unlicensed personandunauthorizedindicates certainty, emphasis, etc.commercial goalIf you make a beverage that contains alcohol asliquor tax violationThis could be a good thing,attention (heed)is required.


If you're wondering, it was established in 1953.(Japanese) Liquor Tax LawFind out about the


Benefits of Hub Liquor 


Hub liquor has a variety ofefficacyThere are


In the first place, the hub has12 typesIt contains essential amino acids, calcium, linoleic acid linolenic acid, etc., and is verynutritional valueandhighIt is also famous for its


This is why Habu sake istonicIt is also known as


In addition to the high nutritional value mentioned above, the male habu possesses four spermatozoa and is veryvigorwas strong.tonicIt is now used as a


in the end 


hubWe introduced the following information about the


How was it?


There were many different types of hubs.


Also, where they are found and when they are encountered.important pointand bites.approachWe also introduced the following information.


Pay close attention to the hub and enjoy your trip.


Thank you for reading to the end.